Gestión tecnológica en las organizaciones: ¿quiénes deben asumir esta función?
Technological management in the organizations: who should assume this function?
Aronica, Sandra Fabiana ⓘ Instituto de Administración, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas,
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina
Peretti, María Florencia ⓘ Instituto de Administración, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas,
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina
In its first applications, organizations used Information systems (IS) to automate tasks of administrative-accountant nature without adequately consider strategic impact. However, currently the Information Technology (IT) has to support IS to enable strategic improvements and in this sense, the organization must manage its human resources, tasks, technology, culture and structure in accordance with the interdependencies that are generated around to information flows according to business strategies.Thus, in organizations is emerging a new feature, the technological one, that until now was considered only as a business support and now must be considered a greater role within the organization, similar to others such as finance, marketing , production, and therefore must be managed as such.
This relates to the technology incorporated in the organizations that support the IS and the people who administer it. That is why we consider it necessary to explore on their implications and, especially, about the role that economic sciences professionals ay assume with respect to this function. Strategic use of IT to improve organizations, in addition to being a career opportunity, is also an opportunity that should be included in the curriculum for students in economics, especially in the future graduates of Business Administration. This work aims to highlight the importance of Technology Management in organizations to agree on who will be responsible to assume this role within them.
Aronica, Sandra Fabiana; Peretti, María Florencia; (2010). Gestión tecnológica en las organizaciones: ¿quiénes deben asumir esta función?. Técnica Administrativa.09(4), 3.
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